TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATING CRANE–CONTINUEDLEVEL WIND OPERATIONThe level wind assembly contains two sens-ing switches that automatically actuate cabhydraulic traversing system when tow winchwire rope is not straight out from tow winchdrum. This action makes sure that there is aperfect wire rope layup on tow winch drum.The level wind sensing switches are activatedby level wind switch in cab. When level windswitch is ON, turning level wind wire ropeslide will automatically traverse cab. There isno electrical danger to personnel.123456Start hydraulic system. Refer to page2-67.Open tow winch access door andoperate tow winch to pay out 10 to 15ft (3.05 to 4.57 m) of wire rope. Referto page 2-79.Adjust level wind, if out of adjustment.Refer to page 3-51.Remove quick release pin (1 ) securingsnatch block tray release handle.Lift up on tray lift handles (2) to supportsnatch block weight (approximately 90 lb(40.8 kg)) and pull tray release handle(3) to release tray and snatch block.Lower tray and snatch block. Swing trayup toward front of boom and secure tobracket (4) on underside of boom withquick release pin (5).l Always wear leather gloves(item 31, appx B) when han-dling winch cable. Neverallow cable to run throughhands. Broken wires cancause painful injuries.l Any kinks, crushed sections,or broken strands are poten-tial weak points and cancause wire rope failure.Frayed, kinked, worn, or cor-roded ropes must be replaced.Rope is unsafe if threebroken wires are found inone strand of 6 x 7 rope, sixbroken wires in one strand of6 x 19 rope, or nine brokenwires in one strand of 6 x 37rope.7 Pivot snatch block sheave (6) to alinewith tow winch wire rope. Lift snatchblock and release shackle (7) from pivot.Place tow winch wire rope on snatchblock sheave and reinstall shackle onpivot.2-81
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