TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATING CRANE–CONTINUEDTRAVERSING CAB–CONTINUEDTOW WINCH OPERATION456NOTETraversing foot pedal isspring-loaded to return to.-center position. Keep foot onpedal at all times when tra-versing cab.Secure all doors and removeall tools and equipment fromhull surface before traversingcab.Slowly depress rear of traversing footpedal (2) to turn cab clockwise.Slowly release foot pedal to center posi-tion to stop cab. Start releasing travers-ing pedal before cab reaches desiredlocation.Slowly depress forward end of traversingfoot pedal (3) to turn cab counterclockwise.1234Any kinks, crushed sections, orbroken strands are potentialweak points and can cause wirerope failure. Frayed, kinked,worn, or corroded ropes mustbe replaced. Rope is unsafe ifthree broken wires are found inone strand of 6 x 7 rope, sixbroken wires in one strand of 6x 19 rope, or nine broken wiresin one strand of 6 x 37 rope.Start hydraulic system. Refer to page2-67.Emplace spade, if required, to increasewinching capacity. Refer to page 2-69.Lock suspension system. Refer to page2-68.Traverse cab to place tow winch at rearof vehicle. Refer to page 2-90.2-79
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