TM 9-2350-238-10Table 3-1. TROUBLESHOOTING–CONTINUEDMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTIONENGINE–CONTINUED3. ENGINE CRANKS TOO SLOWLY TO START.Step 1.Check to see if you have correct weight oil in engine and transmission forweather conditions.Drain and refill with correct weight oil (appx G).Step 2. Check to see if batteries are discharged.Turn on headlights; if dim, batteries may be discharged. See if bat-tery indicator reads in red band. Tow to start engine, then if enginedoesn’t start, notify unit maintenance personnel.4. ENGINE LABORS, RUNS UNEVENLY, ACCELERATES IMPROPERLY, OR DOES NOTDEVELOP FULL POWER.Step 1.Check for very dirty or clogged air filter pats (1).Clean filter pats. Refer to page 3-43.Step 2.Check for fuel leaks.Remove engine deckhose connections.and check fuel lines. Tighten loose fuel line andChange 33-9
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