TM 9-2350-238-10Table 3-1. TROUBLESHOOTING–CONTINUEDMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTIONENGINE–CONTINUED4. ENGINE LABORS, RUNS UNEVENLY, ACCELERATES IMPROPERLY, OR DOES NOTDEVELOP FULL POWER–CONTINUED.Step 3.Check forof batteryobstructions on battery cover air intake grilles and in forward endcompartment.Remove obstructions from grilles. Open battery compartment doorand remove any obstructions in compartment.Step 4. Check to see if water is in fuel filters (2 and 3).Drain water from primary (2) and secondary (3) fuel filters. Refer topage 3-32.Step 5. Check to see if transmission shift lever is in proper range.Shift transmission to lower gear.3-10
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