TM 9-2350-238-10Table 3-1. TROUBLESHOOTING–CONTINUEDMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTIONENGINE–CONTINUEDStep 4. Check to see if fan well deck is covered and check radiators for obstructionsand accumulated dirt.Remove obstructions. Remove engine deck and check radiators. Ifradiators are clogged with dirt, notify unit maintenance personnel,Step 5.Check to see if engine has been excessively operated at idle speed.Increase speed to 1000 to 1200 rpm or stop engine.Step 6. Check fan belt tension and condition of fan belt.Adjust fan belt tension. Refer to page 3-31. If fan belt is cracked orfrayed, notify unit maintenance personnel.7. EXCESSIVE SMOKE FROM EXHAUST AFTER ENGINE WARMUP,Step 1. CheckStep 2. Checkfor very dirty or clogged air filter pats.Clean filter pats, Refer to page 3-43.color of smoke.Blue-gray smoke indicates defective turbocharger.Black smoke indicates clogged air intake system or defective tur-bocharger regulator.White smoke indicates water in compression chamber or exhaustsystem.If engine continues to smoke after cleaning air filter pats, notify unitmaintenance personnel.3-13
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