TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATION OF DRIVING LIGHTS AND DOMELIGHTOPERATION OF DOME LIGHT1 Blue light ON: Turn lever (1) fullyclockwise.2 White light ON: Press safety latch (2)and turn lever (1) counterclockwise paststop.3 Both lights OFF: Turn lever (1)counterclockwise or clockwise past stop.OPERATION OF LIGHT SWITCH ASSEMBLYPanels show which lights are turned on bydifferent positions of main light switch.1 Safety switch (1). Push up to unlockmain light switch (2). Release after mainlight switch (2) is in position.2 Main light switch (2). Turn to desiredposition.3 Instrument panel light switch (3). Pushup to turn on panel light.DRIVING VEHICLEl Drive carefully, especially ifyou’re not experienced withvehicle. On hard pavement,avoid oversteering andspeeding; you could lose con-trol of vehicle.l Be sure that driver’s cupolacover is secured in eitheropen or closed position dur-ing operation.l Fasten your seat belt andalert crew members to fastentheir seat belts to avoid in-jury in the event of a suddenstop or directional change.l Driver will remain in enginecompartment while engine isrunning.2-57
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