TM 9-2350-238-10STARTING ENGINE USING AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT1 Position slave vehicle ( 1 ) as close toreceiving vehicle (2) as possible so thatslave receptacles (3) of both vehicles areside by side.2 Make sure that MASTER switch and allnecessary switches in receiving vehicleare OFF, and that transmission shift leveris in N (neutral).3Start engine in slave vehicle and sethand throttle at 1,000 to 1,200 rpm onengine tachometer.Make sure cable prongs matchreceptacle holes (+) to (+) and(-) to (-).4 Connect slave cable (4) to slave recep-tacle (3) in each vehicle.5 Turn instrument switch to ON in receiv-ing vehicle. Press in engine STARTswitch on receiving vehicle and startengine.6 When engine in receiving vehicle is run-ning, disconnect slave cable from bothvehicles. Turn MASTER switch ON inreceiving vehicle.7 Adjust throttle control and run engine at1,000 to 1,200 rpm (fast idle) as in-dicated on tachometer.8 Allow engine to warm up at 1,000 to1,200 rpm for approximately 5 minutes.Watch that BATTERY/generator indicatorreturns to NORMAL zone.9 Perform instrument checkout proceduresduring engine warm-up period. Refer topage 2-54.2-55
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