TM 9-2350-238-10INSTRUMENT PANEL CHECKOUT PROCEDURES1 FUEL gauge (1). Should be near full6 ENGINE WATER temperature indicatormark.(6). Normal operating temperature is2 ENGINE-TRANSmission TEMPerature-PRESsure warning lamp (2), Light shouldbe off during engine operation.NOTEIf warning horn sounds andENGiNE-TRANSmissionTEMPerature-PRESsure indicator(2) lights at idle speed (650-700 rpm), increase speed to800 rpm. If horn continues tosound and light does not go off,stop engine and notify unitmaintenance personnel.3 Transmission OIL temperature indicator(3). Normal operating temperature is165°F to 220°F (74°C to 105°C); max-imum allowable temperature is 300° F(149°C).4 Transmission OIL pressure indicator (4).Normal pressure is 30 psi (206.85 kPa)at 1,800 rpm and above; 10 psi (68.95kPa) at 1,000 rpm is minimum allowable.5 HI-BEAM lNDicator light (5). Lights whenheadlights are on and dimmer switch hasbeen pushed to place lights on highbeam.170°F to 185°F (77°C to 85°C); max-imum allowable temperature is 230” F(110°C).7 ENGINE OIL pressure indicator (7). Nor-mal operating pressure at 1,800 rpm andabove is 50 to 70 psi (344.75 to 482.65kPa). Minimum allowable pressure is 5psi (34.48 kPa) at 650 rpm; 28 psi(193.06 kPa) at 1,800 rpm; 30 psi(206.85 kPa) at 2,000 rpm; and 35 psi(241.33 kPa) at 2,300 rpm.8 GENerator WARNING lamp (8). Lightshould be off. Lights when generator isnot charging.9 BATTERY/generator indicator (9). Normalrange is when needle is in GREEN.10 MASTER switch lNDicator lamp (10)Lights when MASTER switch is on,11 TACHOMETER (11) and SPEEDOMETER(12) should operate without excessivefluctuation or unusual noises.12 LOW ENGINE COOLANT WARNINGLIGHT (1 3). Should be off. Lights andwarning horn sounds when enginecoolant is low or when air is present incooling system. Press to test lamp.2-54
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