TM 9-2350-238-34-218192021222324252627Install one eye lifting bolt in threadedhole of inner race (2).Install spring scale to eye lifting bolt. Pullspring scale until inner race (2) movesand reads scale measurement. Scalemust read 75 lb (34 kg) or less for pro-per bearing load before lubrication.If spring scale reading exceeds 75 lb (34kg) disassemble turret bearing. Inspectall ball bearings (3) for damage. Inspectretainer (4) and bolts for proper place-ment in turret bearing (6).If spring scale reading indicates properbearing load, remove spring scale andeye lifting bolt.New lower seal assembly must slideon inner race. Make sure noadhesive is applied to surface of in-ner race, or surface of new lowerseal assembly that contacts innerrace.Coat seal groove of outer race (1) withadhesive (item 1, appx B).Coat mounting edges of new lower sealassembly (1 4) with adhesive (item 1,appx B).Install new lower seal assembly (14) ingroove of outer race (1). Trim new lowerseal assembly to length during install-ation.Coat threads of 24 hexagon head cap-screws (15) with sealing compound (item18, appx B).Install four seal retaining plates (16) overnew lower seal (14) and secure to outerrace (1) with 24 new Iockwashers (17)and 24 hexagon head capscrews (15).Using sling, turn bearing assembly torest on inner race (2).2-279
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