TM 9-2350-238-34-234567891011121314Install three eye lifting bolts in threaded holes of inner race (2) an equal distance apart.Attach sling to eye lifting bolts and hoist.Lift and center inner race (2) over outer race (1).Carefully lower inner race (2) into outer race (1) and aline ball bearing grooves.NOTEAlinement is correct when ball bearings can be installed without difficulty.Support weight of inner race (2) with hoist so it can be turned easily during installation ofball bearings (3) and retainers (4).NOTEPrior to installation, lubricate ball bearings using grease (item 9, appx B).Install ball bearing (3) through filler plug hole (5) in outer race (1) and push ball bearing (3)to one side in groove.Ball bearings must fit into curved-in surfaces of retainers.Install retainers (4) through fillergroove.Turn inner race (2) and continueret bearing (6) is filled with 100plug hole (5) in outer race (1) and fit ball bearings (3) ininstalling one ball bearing (3) and one retainer (4) until tur-to 103 ball bearings and 100 to 103 retainers. The lastitem installed must be a ball bearing fittedLower inner race (2) and remove sling andbetween two retainers.three eye lifting bolts.Aline dowel pin holes in turret filler plug(7) and outer race (1) and insert turretfiller plug into outer race (1).Using a soft-faced hammer, tap turretfiller plug (7) into outer race (1) until itseats against last ball bearing (3) install-ed in turret bearing (6).Using soft-faced hammer and drift, tapinto place two filler plug headlessstraight pins (8) through turret filler plug(7) into outer race (1).2-277
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