TM 9-2350-238-34-2Section IV.DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS2-11. GENERAL. This section containsgeneral repair methods and cleaning proce-dures. Special repair and cleaning proceduresare provided, as required, in the individualmaintenance instructions.2-12. REPAIR METHODS.1234567Complete disassembly is not always neces-sary to make a repair. Exercise good judg-ment to keep disassembly and assembly toa minimum.Repair or replace unserviceable parts andhardware. Always replace preformed pack-ings, gaskets, seals, and cotter pins withnew parts.Remove burrs with a stone or file. Removeburrs on closely fitted mating surfaces bylapping the surfaces with lapping grindingcompound (item 11, appx B).Remove corrosion or rust with sandblasting,vapor blast cleaning, or crocus cloth (item3, appx B). Use the method that will notdamage the surface being cleaned. Crocuscloth should be used to remove corrosionand rust from polished surfaces. Make surethat critical dimensions are not changedwhen using crocus cloth.Repair damaged threads with a thread chas-er, or by chasing in a lathe or die.When welding is authorized, procedures inTM 9-237 must be followed. Welds mustbe inspected for cracks.Bearings should be inspected and main-tained per TM 9-214.2-13. TORQUE VALUES. Follow torquevalues given throughout this manual. When notorque value is given, follow the torque limitsguide, provided in appendix D of this manual,to prevent damaged parts. The guide is basedon using clean, dry threads.2-14. CLEANING.1 Wire brush to remove rust and234567Dry cleaning solvent (SD2) is toxicand flammable. Wear protectivegoggles and gloves and use only inwell ventilated areas.Clean metal parts with dry cleaning sol-vent (item 5, appx B). Metal or fiberbrushes may be used to apply cleaningsolvent and to remove softened or dis-solved material. Hand scraping with metalscrapers may be used to remove softcoatings or deposits.Soak very oily or greasy metal parts in atank containing dry cleaning solvent (item5, appx B). The time parts must be in sol-vent varies with the type and amount ofmaterial to be removed.Do not use solvent to clean electrical in-sulation, wires, cables, or wiring har-nesses. Clean these parts by wiping witha damp cloth. Use a mild soap solution ifnecessary. Dry immediately with clean,dry cloths. Clean contact points with flintabrasive paper (item 8, appx B) and dustthoroughly after cleaning.Do not use solvent to clean rubber parts.Clean rubber parts by washing with mildsolution of soap and water.Dry parts by blowing with low-pressurecompressed air or wiping with clean lint-free cloths (item 4, appx B).Bearings should be cleaned according toprocedures in TM 9-214.2-18
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