TM 9-2350-238-34-22-18.lTOUCHUP AND RECOATING.Chemical Agent ResistantCoating (CARC) Paint: CARCpaint contains isocyanate, aconstituent that can causerespiratory effects during andafter the application of thematerial. During the applicationof CARC paint, coughing,shortness of breath, pain onrespiration, increased sputum,and chest tightness may occur.CARC paint also produces it-ching and reddening of theskin, a burning sensation of thethroat and nose, and wateringof the eyes.l An allergic reaction may occurafter initial exposure (rangingfrom a few days to a fewmonths later), producingasthmatic symptoms includingcoughing, wheezing, tightnessin the chest, or shortness ofbreath.l The following precautions mustbe observed to insure the safe-ty of personnel when CARCpaint is applied.l For brush/roller painting in con-fined spaces, an airline respir-ator is required, unless an airsampling shows exposure to bebelow standards. If the airsampling is below standards,either chemical cartridge orairline respirators are required.l Spot painters applying CARCpaint by brush or roller mustwear clothing and gloves af-fording full coverage,l Do not use water, alcohol, oramine based solvents to thin orremove CARC paints. Use ofthese solvents with CARCpaints can produce chemicalreactions resulting in nausea,disease, burns, or severe illnessto personnel.l Do not use paint solvents toremove paint/coating from yourskin.l Mix paint/coating in a well-ventilated mixing room orspraying area away from openflames. Personnel mixingpaint/coating should wear eyeprotection.l Use paint/coating with ade-quate ventilation.l Unusable CARC mixtures maybe considered hazardous wasteand may require disposal IAWFederal, state, DoD, and DAhazardous waste regulations.Consult the installation en-vironmental office for properdisposal guidance. Mixed CARChas a flashpoint of approx-imately 38°F (3°C) due to theincorporation of solvents and ishighly flammable.When touching up damaged areas, the pro-cedure should be as similar to the originalmethod of finishing as possible; a clean sur-face is imperative where general disintegra-tion of the surface is evident, or the undersurface is corroded, the coating must bestripped clean from the part. Corrosion mustbe removed or neutralized by mechanical orchemical treatment, or both, and the surfacemetal must be pretreated, primed, and thentopcoated.2-19. RESTENCILING VEHICLE MARK-INGS. Refer to TM 9-2350-238-20-2.2-20
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