TM 9-2350-238-34-28 Paint metal surfaces after repair as required. Sand and paint damaged areas. Apply one coat ofrust inhibitor primer (item 17, appx B). Allow primer to dry for 30 minutes minimum before ap-plying enamel. Paint with enamel to match existing color; use white enamel (item 7, appx B) orolive drab enamel (item 6, appx B).2-15. LUBRICATION. Keep a light coat of lubricating oil (item 15, appx B) on parts during repairprocedures to prevent rusting. Lubricate parts during repair and assembly as required by TM 9-2350-238-10 and TM 9-2350-238-20-2.2-16. PAINTING INSTRUCTIONS. Complete painting is authorized for and done by general sup-port maintenance personnel or higher. Spot painting and restenciling vehicle markings is done byunit maintenance personnel. Instructions for materiel preparation, priming, and finish are given inTM 43-0139.2-17. NONSKID AREAS.Nonslip paint (item 16, appx B) will be used to coat deck areas where personnel walk. The areas tobe coated with nonslip paint are shown shaded in the figures below.IChange 12-19
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