TM 9-2350-256-20-1
0081 00
16. Reconnect main lighting and master relay wiring harness to main lighting switch. Disconnect wire 520
at female connector, near main lighting switch. Place red lead of multimeter in female connector of
wire 520 and black lead to ground. Turn MASTER switch ON, press B.O. DRIVE key and ENTER key
of main light switch, and check for voltage. Turn MASTER and main lighting switches OFF. If voltage
is present, repair/replace wire 520 of B.O. selector lead assembly (see WP 0217 00). If voltage is not
present, repair/replace wire 520 of main lighting and master relay wiring harness (see WP 0219 00).
17. Place red lead of multimeter in socket F of wire 15 and black lead to ground. Turn MASTER switch on
and check for voltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF. If voltage is present, replace main lighting switch
(see WP 0159 00). If voltage is not present, go to step 18.
0081 00-11