TM 9-2350-256-20 APPENDIX J: LUBRlCATION INSTRUCTIONSJ-1 GENERAL STATEMENTS-Continuedc. MAINTENANCE LEVELThe maintenance level for all lubrication services in this appendix is Unit.d. EXCEPTIONAL OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTSLubricate more often to compensate for abnormal and extreme conditions. High or low temperatures, prolongedperiods of high rate operation, continued operation in sand, dust, or exposure to moisture may quickly destroythe protective qualities of the lubricant. Before performing lubrication checks and services, observe the following:1 Never use incorrect lubricant or use too much lubricant.2 A l w a y s :a. Clean grease fittings before lubricationb. Use this appendix as a guidec. Lubricate after fordingd. Ensure vehicle is level prior to checking fluid levels.3 Lubrication after fording operations.As soon as possible after any fording operation in water of 12 inches or more, lubricate all chassis points tocleanse of water of grit. Also lubricate any other points requiring maintenance after fording. If vehicle hasbeen in deep water for a considerable length of time, or was submerged beyond its fording capabilities, thefollowing precautions must be taken as soon as practicable to avoid damage to engine and other vehiclecomponents:a. Perform a complete lubrication service.b. Check APU, main engine and transmission for presence of water or sludge in oil. If found, drain andflush transmission with PE-1 Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion engine, and drain and flush engineswith OE-30 Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion engine. If PE-1 is not available, flush transmission withOE-10 Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion engine. Before refilling with clean oil, remove, clean, andinstall transmission oil filters (see paragraph 7-2). Replace engine oil filter elements (see paragraph 3-6).c. Check lubricant in hydraulic reservoir and winch gear cases for evidence of water or sludgecontamination. If there is evidence of contamination, drain and refill with correct lubricant.4 For operation of equipment in protracted cold temperatures below -10°F (-23°C).Remove lubricants prescribed in table for temperatures above -10°F (-23°C). Clean parts with dry-cleaningsolvent, type II (Appendix D, item 9) or equivalent. Relubricate with lubricants specified in table J-l,Lubricant Table for M88A1 Medium Recovery Vehicle, for temperatures of 0 F to -65°F (-18°C to -50°C).e. ABBREVIATIONSThe following abbreviations for the various lubricants used in this appendix are provided below.GAA.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Grease, Automotive and Artillery (MIL-G-10924)J-2 Change 1
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