CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTM 9-2350-256-202-19 ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING-ContinuedFUEL GAGE-ContinuedWARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags,bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts a metalsurface a direct short may result in instantheating of tools, damage to equipment,and injury or death to personnel.NOTEDo step F for front fuel lever transmitter,do step G for rear fuel level transmitter.FReconnect wires 30 and 31 to fuel selector switch.Remove four screws (7), four lockwashers (8), four flatwashers (9), and fuel transmitter center left flooraccess plate (10). Disconnect wire 30 from fuel leveltransmitter on front fuel tank. Place red lead ofmultimeter in wire 30 at fuel level transmitter and blacklead to ground. If voltage is present, replace fuel leveltransmitter (see paragraph 4-8). If voltage is notpresent, repair/replace wire 30 of gage panel tobulkhead wiring harness (see paragraph 6-45 for dualvoltage; 6-46 for single voltage).GOpen air inlet doors (TM 9-2350-256-10). Disconnectbulkhead to engine bracket and rear fuel tanktransmitter wiring harness from bulkhead disconnect.Place red lead of multimeter in pin N of wire 31 andblack lead to ground and check for voltage. If voltageis present, go to step H. If voltage is not present,repair/replace wire 31 of gage panel to bulkhead wiringharness (see paragraph 6-45 for dual voltage; 6-46 forsingle voltage).2-98
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