SECTION V: TROUBLESHOOTINGTM 9-2350-256-20WARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dogtags, bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts ametal surface a direct short may result ininstant heating of tools, damage toequipment, and injury or death topersonnel.CReconnect wire 27F to fuel gage. Disconnect wire 28from fuel gage. Place one end of jumper wire onreceptacle on fuel gage and other end to ground. TurnMASTER switch on and check for fuel gage to read fullscale. Turn MASTER switch OFF. If fuel gageoperates, go to step D. If fuel gage fails to operate,replace fuel gage (see paragraph 6-8).DReconnect wire 28 to fuel gage. Disconnect wire 28from fuel selector switch. Turn MASTER switch on andcheck fuel gage. Fuel gage should read full. Groundwire 28 at fuel selector switch end. Fuel gage shouldread empty. Turn MASTER switch OFF. If fuel gagereads correctly, go to step E. If fuel gage readsincorrectly, repair/replace wire 28 of fuel gage panellead assembly (see paragraph 6-51).EReconnect wire 28 to fuel selector switch. Removewires 30 and 31 from fuel selector switch. TurnMASTER switch on and check fuel gage for operationin both FRONT and REAR positions. Fuel gage shouldread full for both tanks. Place one end of jumper wiresin both switch positions and other ends to ground.Check fuel gage for operation in both FRONT andREAR positions. Fuel gage should read empty. TurnMASTER switch OFF. If fuel gage reads correctly, goto step F. If fuel gage reads incorrectly, replace fuelselector switch (see paragraph 6-8).2-97
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