SECTION V: VEHICLE WIRINGTM 9-2350-256-203 Disconnect Y-connector (2) from gage panel tobulkhead wiring harness (14) and connector (15).4 Disconnect Y-connector (3) from switch panel togage panel and miscellaneous switches wiringharness (16) and connector (17).5 Disconnect four connectors (4 through 7) fromdriver's vehicle exhaust smoke switch (18).6 Disconnect connector (8) from driver's vehicleexhaust smoke indicator light (19).7 Disconnect connector (9) from driver's vehicleexhaust smoke disconnect bracket (20) byremoving four screws (21), four lockwashers (22),and four nuts (23).b. DISASSEMBLYDisassemble wiring harness and lead (see Chapter 6,Section VII).c. ASSEMBLYAssemble wiring harness and lead (see Chapter 6,Section VII).d. INSTALLATION1 Connect connector (9) to driver's vehicle exhaustsmoke disconnect bracket (20) using four screws(21), four new lockwashers (22), and four nuts (23).2 Connect connector (8) to driver's vehicle exhaustsmoke indicator light (19).3 Connect four connectors (4 through 7) to driver'svehicle exhaust smoke switch (18).4 Connect Y-connector (3) to switch panel to gagepanel and miscellaneous switches wiring harness(16) and connector (17).5 Connect Y-connector (2) to gage panel to bulkheadwiring harness (14) and connector (15).6 Connect lead (1) to gage panel to bulkhead wiringharness connector at bulkhead disconnect (13).7 Install 14 clamps (10) using new lockwasher (12)and screw (11) for each.NOTEFollow-on maintenance: Install air cleanerassembly (seeparagraph 4-24)6-247
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