TM 9-2350-256-34-15Remove engine wiring harness bracket (12) byremoving two screws (13) and two lockwashers(14).CAUTIONPrior to disconnecting transmission fromengine, install lifting sling (Tool ref 141,App B).6Disconnect transmission from engine byremoving 24 nuts (15) and 24 lockwashers (16).7Using sling(17), remove transmission (18) fromengine (19).8Remove and discard gasket (20).INSTALLATION1Install sling (17) on transmission (18).2Install new gasket (20) between transmission(18) and engine (19).NOTEWhen installing the 24 nuts, do nottighten until all nuts have been installed.3Secure transmission (18) to engine (19) using 24lockwashers (16) and 24 nuts (15).4Install wiring harness bracket (12) with twoscrews (13) and two lockwashers (14).5Connect electrical harness connector (10) totransmission oil pressure sending unit (11).6Install four transmission oil cooler lines (4), bytightening on each two nuts (5), and securingtwo of the lines to transmission bracket with twoscrews (9), two loop clamps (8), two flat washers(7), and two nuts (6).7Connect two electrical harness connectors (3).8Install transmission breather tube (1) bytightening one coupling nut (2) at each end.9Install powerplant.CHANGE 7 3-3
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