TM 9-2350-256-34-1CHAPTER 3REPAIR OF RECOVERY VEHICLE, FULL TRACKED: MEDIUM, M88A1lSection 1. REPAIR OF HULL ASSEMBLIES.3-1. Description.The hull and cab are constructed of cast armor andarmor plate welded into a single unit. Padded seatsare provided in the cab for the crew and passengers.Doors and hatches are located around the vehicle forcrew access and stowage compartments.3-2. Seals and Liningsa. General. Repair of the various rubber in-sulation seals and linings installed on the vehicleconsists of replacing those that are worn.b. Rubber Sealing Strips on Acetylene Com-partment Door.(1) Remove the old seal and discard. Clean thearea thoroughly by scraping off old adhesive andthen removing dirt, grease and other foreign matterwith a wire brush.(2) Apply fresh rubber base adhesive (NSN8040-00-281-1972 or NSN 8040-00-843-3461) andwait until adhesive becomes slightly tacky.(3) Press new seal (NSN 9390-00-247-2335)firmly into place and clean any excess adhesivefrom surface of seal.(4) Allow adhesive to thoroughly dry beforeclosing door.c. Lining of Fire Extinguisher Bracket Arms.Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20 for removal and in-stallation and for repair of the fire extinguisherbracket assembly. When replacing the lining of thearm assemblies, use the old lining as a pattern andcut to the same size. Set the rivet tangs below thelining surface so that the surface is smooth. Peenover properly to hold securely in place.3-3. Padsa. Rocket Ammunition Storage Box Pads.Repair of the sponge rubber strips in the am-munition storage box is the same as for the acetylenecompartment door seals (para. 3-2 b), except that thenew strips are cut to the proper size from sheets. Usethe old strip as a pattern and cut to the same size.Refer to paragraph 3-2 for repair instructions.b. Vision Cupola Padding Assembly.(1) Disassembly. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20for removal and installation. Disassemble the visioncupola padding assembly as shown in figure 3-1.Figure 3-1. Vision cupola padding assembty–repair.(2) Cleaning. Scrape dirt and adhesive from thesupport and clean with a wire brush. Clean with drycleaning solvent or mineral spirits paint thinner anddry .(3) Inspection and Repair. Inspect the supportfor cracks, distortion, breakage or other damage thatwould impair its use. If defective, replace entirepadding assembly.(4) Assembly. Assemble the vision cupolapadding assembly in reverse order of disassembly.3-1
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