TM 9-2350-256-34-1Section ll. REPAIR OF POWERPLANT3-4.Description.Refer to TM 9-2815-220-34 for description and operationof the Continental Model AVDS-1790-2DR engine. Referto TM 9-2520-215-34 for description and operation of theAllison-GM Model XT-1410-4 cross-drive transmission.3-5.Removal.Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20 for instructions on removingthe powerplant from the vehicle.REMOVING / INSTALLING TRANSMISSIONSpecial Tools:Sling (Tool ref 141, App B)NOTEDiscard all lockwashers, lockwires,cotter pins, packings, gaskets, andseals. Replace with new parts duringinstallation.NOTERemove powerplant (page 3-7) fromvehicle before performing separation ofengine and transmission.REMOVAL1Remove transmission breather tube (1) byloosening one coupling nut (2) at each end.3-6.Disassembly.a.Main Engine and Transmission Separation.For instructions on separating the main engine from thetransmission, refer to the instructions below. If just thetransmission is to be repaired or replaced, it is notnecessary to remove the wiring harness and accessoriesfrom the engine.b.Wiring Harness and Accessories.Remove allaccessory items necessary to work on the engine andtransmission (TM 9-2350-256-20). Remove wiringharnesses and cables as shown in figure 3-2. Figure 3-3shows the main engine wiring diagram.2Disconnect two electrical harness connectors(3).3Remove four transmission oil cooler lines (4) byloosening on each, two nuts (5), and removingtwo nuts (6), two flat washers (7), two loopclamps (8), and two screws (9).4Disconnect electrical harness connector (10) attransmission oil pressure sending unit (11).3-2 CHANGE 7
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