TM 9--2350--292--100047 00--13OPERATE BOOM -- CONTINUED0047 00LOWERING BOOM -- CONTINUED1. Before lowering boom, raise the 35--ton (31,780 kg) hook block so it will lay in boom tray when boom is lowered(WP 0048 00).WARNINGDo not keep boom in full raised position for an extended period of time. Failure ofthe hydraulic system could occur, allowing the boom to freefall when lowered, caus-ing injury or DEATH to personnel.2. If boom has been in raised position for an extended period of time (days or weeks) perform following steps beforelowering boom.• Move BOOM operating lever (2) to FORWARD position and hold for approximately five minutes. This allowssystem to fill with oil and eliminate any air pockets.• Use BOOM operating lever (2) to move boom backward and forward several times in live boom area. Thiswill assure that all air pockets have been eliminated and that boom will operate smoothly.3. Move BOOM SAFETY control lever (1) to STOW position and hold.4. Move BOOM operating lever (2) to RETRACT and hold.5. Continue to lower boom until it is about 1 ft from the engine deck, then release BOOM operating lever (2).Release BOOM SAFETY operating lever (1).6. Verify that stayline and hoist winch cables are safely stowed.7. Continue lowering boom, using both levers as required until boom is in full--down position against travel lock, thenrelease BOOM operating lever (2) and then release BOOM SAFETY operating lever (1).21
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