TM 9--2350--292--100047 00--11OPERATE BOOM -- CONTINUED0047 00MOVING BOOM FORWARD AND BACKWARD -- CONTINUEDWARNINGDo not stand on top of vehicle while raising or lowering the boom. Failure to complymay result in boom impacting personnel during operation, causing injury or DEATH topersonnel.Carry loads as near to four foot retraction as possible for safety and stability. Failureto comply may result in load swinging and impacting personnel causing injury orDEATH to personnel or damage to equipment.Stabilize 6-- to 25--ton (5,443 to 22,680 kg) loads against spade when moving. Fail-ure to comply may result in load swinging and impacting personnel, causing injury orDEATH to personnel or damage to equipment.CAUTIONMaximum lift for live Operate Boom is not to exceed 70,000 lbs (31,780 kg). Failure tocomply may result in damage to equipment.1. To move boom back from full--forward position, move BOOM operating lever (1) to RETRACT and hold until boomhas reached desired position.1
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