TM 9--2350--292--100047 00--15OPERATE BOOM -- CONTINUED0047 00LOCKOUT BLOCKS -- CONTINUEDInstalling lockout blocks -- Continued7. Install lock screws (1), lockwashers (2), and flat washers (3) through lockout block (7) and into bumper stopassembly (5).8. Close side armor skirt #2 (WP 0102 00).9. Repeat procedures for other side.10. Start main engine and back off spade (WP 0046 00).11. Ensure that blocks line up with inside spindle (8).Carrying load with lockout blocks installedWARNINGCarry loads as near to four foot retraction as possible for safety and stability. Failureto comply may result in load swinging and impacting personnel causing injury orDEATH to personnel or damage to equipment.Stabilize 6-- to 25--ton (5,443 to 22,680 kg) loads against spade when moving. Fail-ure to comply may result in load swinging and impacting personnel, causing injury orDEATH to personnel or damage to equipment.HOISTING LOADSUNDER 6 TONSHOISTING LOADSOF 6--T0 25--TONS(LOCK BLOCKS INSTALLED)
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business