TM 9--2350--292--20--10099 00--1BOOM STAYLINE CABLES BECOME SLACK DURING LIVE BOOMOPERATION OR BOOM CAN BE STOWED WITHOUT ACTIVATING THEBOOM SAFETY VALVE CONTROL LEVER0099 00THIS WORK PACKAGE COVERS:Boom Stayline Cables Become Slack During Live Boom Operation or Boom Can Be Stowed Without activating theBoom Safety Valve Control LeverINITIAL SETUP:Tools and Special ToolsGeneral mechanic’s tool kit (item 1, WP 0717 00)0--4000 psi testing gauge assemby (2) (item 84, WP0717 00)1/4--inch tee (item 71, WP 0716 00)3/8--inch tee (item 72, WP 0716 00)1/4--inch tee (item 67, WP 0716 00)Safety goggles (item 93, WP 0716 00)Equipment ConditionsVehicle MASTER switch OFF (TM 9--2350--292--10)Personnel RequiredTwo* Not required if vehicle is equipped with EnhancedDiagnostic System.Do stayline cables stay tight?Operate the boom (TM 9--2350--292--10).noyesLCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEWARNINGWARNINGRemove rings, bracelets, wristwatches, andneck chains before working on any vehicle.Jewelry can catch on equipment and causeinjury, or may short across an electrical circuitand cause severe burns or electrical shock.FORWARDIs vehicle equipped with Enhanced DiagnosticSystem?noyesGo to Step J.Check the boom safety valve for operation ofsafety valve handle.noyesMIs valve free of binding and does handle return to liveposition when released from stow position?Notify Direct Support Maintenance.Go to Step C.Go to Step L.N
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