TM 9--2350--292--20--20375 00--1POWER BOOST MANIFOLD AND PLATE REPAIR (NEW CONFIGURATIONWITH BRAKE MODULATION)0375 00THIS WORK PACKAGE COVERS:Removal, Disassembly, Assembly, InstallationINITIAL SETUP:Tools and Special ToolsGeneral mechanic’s tool kit (item 1, WP 0717 00)Materials/PartsLockwashers (4) (item 35, WP 0718 00)Safety goggles (item 93, WP 0716 00)Equipment ConditionsVehicle parked on a level surface with tracks blockedand brakes released (TM 9--2350--292--10)Equipment Conditions -- ContinuedHydraulic hoses disconnected from power boostmanifold assembly and hydraulic brake cylinder(WP 0362 00).Disconnect rod end assembly (WP 0364 00) andbrake cable assembly (WP 0369 00).Disconnect return spring assembly from pillow blockshaft and lever (WP 0367 00).ReferencesTM 9--2350--292--10Removal1. Remove four screws (1), four lockwashers (2) and four flat washers (3) from plate assembly (4). Discard lock-washers.NOTEQuantity of plates may vary. Note quantity and location ofplates removed to aid in installation.2. Remove plate assembly (4) and any plates (5 and 6) that are present.Disassembly1. Remove power boost manifold assembly (7) (WP 0380 00).2. Remove brake hydraulic cylinder assembly (8) (WP 0371 00).3. Inspect parts for damage and replace as required.FORWARD12312356748
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