COMPRESSIONValve Seat InsertsTo Remove Valve Seat InsertUse valve seat puller 19138 as shown in Fig. 15, andselect the proper puller nut. See Table 3. Be sure thepuller body does not rest on the valve seat insert. Fig.16. Turn the 5/16" bolt with a wrench until insert is pulledout of the cylinder. Fig. 16.Fig. 15 - Removing Valve SeatFig. 16 - Inserting Valve Seat PullerNOTE: On aluminum alloy cylinder models, it may benecessary to grind the puller nut until the edge is 1/32"(0.8 mm) thick in order to get the puller nut under thevalve insert. Fig. 16.TABLE NO. 4VALVE SEAT INSERT AND COUNTERBORE TOOLSCOUNTERBORECUTTER &INSERTBASIC MODEL SERIESCUTTERSHANKDRIVER PILOTDRIVERALUMINUM CYLINDER6B, 8B191261913660000, 80000191261913682000, 92000, 940001912619136100000, 1300001912619136140000, 170000, 1900001912719136CAST IRON CYLINDER5, 6, N1913319129191261913681913219129191261913691913219129191271913614, 19, 19000019131191291912719136200000, 2319131191291912719136230000, 24000019131191291912719136300000, 32000019127191367
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