COMPRESSIONValve Seat InsertsTo Drive In New Valve Seat InsertSelect the proper valve seat insert and the correct pilotand driver according to Table 3 & 4. You will note thatone side of the seat insert is chamfered at the outeredge. This side should go down into the cylinder.Insert the pilot into the valve guide. Then drive the valveinsert into place with the driver, as shown in Fig. 17.The seat should then be ground lightly and the valvesand seats lapped lightly with grinding compound. Cleanthoroughly.NOTE: Aluminum alloy cylinder models. Use the oldinsert as a spacer between the driver and the new insert.Drive new insert until it bottoms. Top of insert will beslightly below cylinder head gasket surface. Then peenaround the insert as shown in Fig. 18.Fig. 17 - Driving in Valve SeatFig. 18 - Peening Valve SeatNOTE: Replace Cylinder if a .005" (0.13 mm) FeelerGauge enters between Valve Seat andCylinder.To Counterbore Cylinder for Intake Valve Seat CastIron Cylinder ModelsThese models must be counterbored to allow installationof the intake valve seat insert. Select proper seat insert,cutter shank, counterbore cutter, pilot and driveraccording to Table 4.Insert pilot in intake valve guide. See Fig. 19. Assemblecorrect counterbore cutter to cutter shank as shown inFig. 20.Counterbore the cylinder by hand until stop on cuttertouches the top of the cylinder. Fig. 21. Do not forcethe cutter to one side or it will cut oversize. Blow out allchips. Use knock out pin 19135, to remove cutter fromcutter shank.Fig. 19 - Inserting PilotFig. 20 - Inserting Cutter Shank8
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