TM 5-4270-501-14&PSTARTERSNicad SystemFig. 51 - Battery Charger TesterA fully charged battery, when connected to this headlightset up will light the bulbs brightly for at least five minutes.The voltmeter reading should be 13.5 volts minimumafter one minute, using the headlight load. A voltmeterreading of 13 volts, or less, within a one minute periodindicates a defective cell in the battery. Replace battery.NOTE: The battery must be in a fully charged condition,prior to the above test. If the battery is not fully charged,it will require charging for a 14 to 16 hour period beforeproceeding with the above test. This voltmeter test isvalid only after a one minute period, when using thelights as a load, because the voltage continues to dropslowly throughout most of the test.BATTERY CHARGER TESTERThe parts needed to construct a battery charger testerare as follows. (See following for parts orderinginformation.)1.One IN4005 diode.2.Two lamp sockets, such as a Dialco #0931-102,red color and a #0932-102, green color.3.Two #53 bulbs.4.One #6-32, 3/4" long screw (m3.5 x 0.6).5.One #3-48, 3/4" long screw (m2.5 x 0.45).These components are soldered together as shown inthe accompanying illustration, Fig. 52. if desired, thesecomponents may be fitted to a plastic case.The test procedure is as follows:Plug the charger into a 120 volt AC outlet, known to begood, connect the other end of the charger to the tester.A charger in good condition will light the green bulb only.If neither bulb lights, or both bulbs light, the chargerwould be defective.NOTE: The component parts for this tester may bepurchased at any radio supply parts house.Fig. 52 - Battery TesterKEY SWITCH TESTThe equipment needed to test the key switch is asfollows: Briggs & Stratton meter #19236 or equivalentohmmeter.Test key switch as noted in Fig. 53. Replace switch ifnot as shown under column, "Check Continuity."12
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