TM 5-4240-501-14&PThe battery used to operate starter motors on mostBriggs & Stratton engines above 4 horsepower, is of the12 volt, lead acid - wet cell type. This type is available asa wet charge or dry charge battery.The wet charged maintenance-free battery is filled withelectrolyte at the time of manufacture. The level ofelectrolyte can not be checked.The dry charge battery is manufactured with fullycharged plates. Electrolyte must be added at the timethat the battery is placed in service. Before activating adry charge battery, read and follow the manufacturer’srecommended procedure. Fig. 66.BATTERY GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. DO NOT store, chargeor use a battery near an open flame or devices whichutilize a pilot light or can create a spark.Fig. 64 - Typical Dry Charge BatteryInstallation:1.Before installing battery, connect all equipment to be operated.2.Place battery in holder with a flat base. Tighten hold downs evenly until snug. DO NOT overtighten.3.Connect positive terminal to positive post FIRST to prevent sparks from accidental grounding. Tighten connectors securely.4.Connect negative terminal to negative battery terminal. Tighten connectors securely.Fig. 65 - Typical 12V Wiring DiagramSTARTERS12V BatteryChecking Battery1Physical check - clean if necessary.A.CorrosionB.DirtC.Terminal and clamps(secure - good conditions)2.Bring battery to full charge.Fig. 66- Checking 12V Battery Cells(Lead Acid - Wet Cell - Dry Charge)DANGER: DO NOT EXCEED CHARGE RATE OF 1/10AMPERE FOR EVERY AMPERE OF BATTERYRATING. Consult battery manufacturer for maximumcharge recommendations.A.Use a taper charger (automatically reducescharge rate).B.Fill battery cells with distilled water or tapwater after charging (for batteries thathave been in service).NOTE: If battery gets "Hot" to the touch or is spitting acid(gassing) excessively, unplug charger periodically.3.With battery fully charged, check specific gravityreadings of each cell with a Battery Hydrometer andrecord readings (Fig. 66). All readings should beabove 1.250 (compensating for temperature). Ifspecific gravity readings varied .050 or if ALL cellsread less than 1.225, replace battery. Attachvoltmeter clips to the battery posts, positive lead (+)to positive post of battery, negative lead (-) tonegative post of battery. With ignition switch "Off"press starter button. If ignition switch and starterswitch are the same switch, disconnect spark pluglead from plug and turn switch to "Start." Voltmetershould read 9 volts or more while cranking engine.If less than 9 volts, replace battery.17
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