TM 5-4240-501-14&PFig. 53 - Starter Key SwitchCHECKING THE STARTER MOTORDRIVE AND CLUTCHWhen the starter switch is activated, the nylon spur gearshould rise, engaging the flywheel ring gear, and crankthe engine. This action can be observed by removingthe starter cover. If the starter motor drive does notreact properly, inspect the helix and the nylon spur gearfor freeness of operation. If any sticking occurs, thismust be corrected. Proper operation of the starter isdependent on the nylon spur gear freely moving on thehelix. See Fig. 54.NOTE: Do not oil nylon spur gear or clutch helix.Fig. 54 - Starter Motor DriveThe starter motor clutch is designed to prevent damagefrom shock loads such as an engine backfire. The clutchshould not slip during normal engine cranking. This canbe checked by blocking the mower blade and engagingthe starter motor. If the clutch assembly slips at thistime, it should be replaced.STARTERSNicad SystemCAUTION: Remove spark plug high tension wire prior tothis test if starter motor is mounted on engine.CHECKING THE STARTER MOTORA performance test of the starter motor may be made inthe following manner.Equipment Needed -A tachometer capable of reading 1500 RPM.An ammeter capable of reading 0 to 5 amps.A fully charged battery.Connect the starter motor, battery and ammeter, asshown in the illustration. See Fig. 55.Insert the tachometer in the end of the starter clutch helixand activate the starter motor.Fig. 55 - Performance TestA starter motor in good condition will be within thefollowing specifications. Starter Motor RPM - 1000minimum Current - 31/2 Amperes maximum If the startermotor does not perform satisfactorily, the followingshould be checked, and corrected if necessary.1.A binding condition between the pinion and clutchgear or misalignment of motor bearings.13
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