TM 5-4240-5501-148PSTARTERSStarter Generator 12VCHECKING STARTER-GENERATOR ANDREGULATOR (See Fig. 132)NOTE: All tests to be made with ignition off and starterswitch pressed long enough for meter needle to settle.1.Checking Ground Resistance (Poor Connection)Plug black lead in black common meter socket andred lead in VOLTS-OHMS LEAKAGE socket.Negative test lead to #1 (ground). Positive test leadto #2. Press starter switch. Meter should read 10volts or more.2.Checking Lead to Switch Leave negative test lead atground #1. Move positive lead to #3. Low or novoltage reading while pressing starter switchindicates defective positive battery cable orconnection.3.Checking Starter Switch Move the positive test leadto #4. The meter should read "close to batteryvoltage" when starter switch is pressed. Very low orno voltage indicates a defective starter switch.4.Checking Lead from Switch to Starter Move thepositive test lead to #5. Press the starter switch.The meter should read "close to battery voltage." Ifthe starter motor does not crank and battery voltageis available, the starter motor is defective. If voltageis not available, cable or connection betweentestpoint #5 and #4 is defective.5.Generator-Regulator Test Set test meter at 15 amps,put red lead in AMP socket. Disconnect wire atvoltage regulator terminal "B," and connect testinstrument in series. The meter will register charge,if any, to the battery when the engine is running. Thecharge will start approximately 1800 to 2000 engineRPM, and will vary according to the battery state ofcharge.If meter reads 10 amps or more, disconnect "F"terminal at regulator. If output remains high, thegenerator is defective. If output stops, the regulatoris defective.If no charge is shown on meter, short the regulator"F" terminal to ground. Meter should then show a 10amp or more charge. No charge would indicate adefective generator. A charge would indicate adefective regulator.Fig. 133 - Voltage Regulator42
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