TM 5-4240-5501-148PALTERNATORIdentificationAlternators are used on engines noted and may be locatedon page indicated.Basic Engine10 Ampere10 AmpereDual*Tri-Model Series11/2 Ampere4 Ampere7 AmpereFuse TypeRegulatedCircuitCircuit13000048140000625852, 5517000062586651, 52, 556419000062586651, 52, 55642200006651, 526424000066642500006651, 5264320000686651, 5264*AC or DC only included with Dual Circuit Alternators.Fig. 143ALTERNATOR TROUBLESHOOTINGThe following list is provided to aid you in diagnosing problems for alternator systems.Battery - Not ChargingAlternator defectiveDiode/rectifier defectiveRegulator defectiveWiring, shorted, broken or corrodedStator, damagedBattery cables connected to wrong terminalsBattery defectiveFlywheel magnets, broken or not chargedBattery - OverchargingRegulator defective (regulated alternator only)Battery size too small for alternatorVibration/equipment (battery appears to beovercharging when water splashes frombattery caps.)Lights - Not FunctioningLight bulbs, defectiveWiring, shorted or brokenLight switch, defectiveStator defectiveRegulator (regulated alternator), defectiveBattery defective (regulated alternator)Fig. 144WARNING: Do not strike flywheel with a hard object or metal tool as this may cause flywheel to shatter in operation,causing personal injury or property damage. Use Briggs & Stratton approved tools only, and if in doubt, contact yourAuthorized Briggs & Stratton Service Center.46
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