TM 5-4240-5501-148PSTARTERSElectric Starter 120VInstallation of Voltage RegulatorsNOTE: Avoid - Regulator will not function in this position.Regulator should be mounted at a point of minimumvibration.There must be a good ground connection betweenregulator mounting feet and equipment frame andbetween the engine and equipment frame. If this is notpossible, a #14 wire must be run from the groundedregulator mounting foot to the engine.12 Volt Starter-GeneratorBelt Adjustment ProcedureFig. 134 - 12 Volt Starter-Generator (Low Position)To adjust, tilt away from blower housing until belts moveup and down 1/4" with thumb pressure at a point midwaybetween pulleys. Tighten screws to hold in place andinstall guard and tighten in place. Fig. 134 and Fig.135.Fig. 135 - 12 Volt Starter-Generator (High Position)Fig. 136 - Belt Drive 120 Volt StarterAdjust Belt (120 Volt AC Starter Motor)Belt adjustment is made by loosening the two nutsshown in Fig. 137, and sliding the motor in the slots.Torque on nuts in 15-20 inch pounds (1.7 to 2.2 Nm).Fig. 137 - Belt AdjustmentBe sure belt is between prongs of the belt restrictor.Crank engine with starter motor and ignition "Off."Observe dimensions as indicated in Fig. 137, Illus. A. Ifdimension "A" is 3/32" to 1/8" (2.4 to 3.2 mm), belt is inproper adjustment. If dimension "A" is less than 3/32"while cranking, the starter motor must be adjusted awayfrom the engine. If more than 1/8", the motor must beadjusted toward the engine.43
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