TM 5-4240-5501-148PSTARTERSStarter Generator 12V12 VOLT ELECTRICSTARTER-GENERATOR UNITFig. 130 - Starter Panel AssemblyRemoving and Replacing BeltsRemove belt guard. Loosen starter-generator unitmounting bolts and push the unit toward the engine asfar as it will go. The belt (s) can then be removed.(Note: Starter-generator units on some models areequipped with two belts. On these units, both beltsshould be replaced even though only one belt appears tobe worn. Use only matched sets of belts.) Do not forcebelts onto pulleys. There is sufficient adjustment to allowthem to be slipped in place. After belt has been installedapply a 30 lb. (13.6 kg) force to the upper pulley andflange.Tighten mounting bolts securely and replace belt guard.NOTE: Belts are of special high strength design. SeeFigs. 134 and 135 on page 43. Use only genuine factoryreplacements obtainable at authorized Briggs & Strattonservice station.Emergency Winter OperationIf run-down batteries are repeatedly experienced due toshort or infrequent operation at low temperatures, it isadvisable to temporarily increase the generator chargerate.A simple method of increasing the charge rate is todisconnect the lead to the regulator BAT terminal andreconnect this lead to the regular (L) terminal. Thisbypasses the current-voltage feature of the regulatorautomatically increasing the amount of charge to thebattery. See Fig. 132.CAUTION: Operate the regulator with these connected during coldweather when operating periods are short or infrequent.Re-establish the original lead connections as soon asmild weather returns or operating time becomes normal:otherwise the battery will be damaged by over charging.Battery SizeA 12 volt battery of 50 ampere hour capacity isrecommended. CAUTION: Battery must have negative(-) terminal grounded to engine or machine frame.Maintenance of Battery and Cables (See Fig. 131 forcable size)Check electrolyte level every 100 hours. Maintain levelwith distilled or demineralized water. Avoid overfilling.Keep top of battery clean by periodically washing with abrush dipped in ammonia or bicarbonate of soda solutionfollowed by flushing with clean water. Keep battery holddown clamps tight to prevent vibration of battery, but donot overtighten as this may warp case.Battery cable clamps must be kept tight on terminals toprovide a good contact. If corrosion occurs at terminals,disconnect cables and clean clamps and terminalsseparately. Coat clamps with petroleum jelly and re-install.Warranty and ServiceFor warranty and service on all Delco-Remy parts,contact United Motors Service Agencies.39
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