TM 5-4240-5501-148PSTARTERSStarter Generator 12VFinal Check (120 Volt AC Starter Motor)Starting motor should be tested under maximum load.To do this, turn engine by hand until compression strokeis reached. Plug in starter. Belt should engage andcrank engine without slipping. When engine starts,disconnect plug. Belt should not circulate while engine isrunning. If two prong outlet is the only one available, itshould be converted to three prong outlet. See Fig. 138.Fig. 138 - Checking Starter12 VOLT BELT DRIVE STARTEROperationThis Briggs & Stratton electric starter automaticallyengages a belt clutch and cranks engine when a 12 voltbattery is connected between the terminal on the starterand engine cylinder. When engine starts, the belt clutchautomatically disengages starter motor from engine.Driven equipment should be disengaged from engineprior to engaging electric starter. The starting system isdesigned to turn over engine only. Fig. 139.Fig. 139 - Starter ConnectionsProper Electric InstallationNegative (-) side of battery must be grounded to engine.This lead must carry starting current and therefore, mustbe a No. 4 size wire or larger.Another heavy lead (No. 4 or larger) should beconnected from the starter motor terminal through thestarter switch and to the positive (t+) battery terminal.Fig. 140.Fig. 140 - 12 Volt Wiring DiagramBattery SizeA 12 volt battery of 40 to 45 ampere hour capacity isrecommended.Motor RepairsFor warranty and service on starter motors, contactAuthorized Representative of PrestoLite.Adjust BeltThe two assemblies which had been used are shownbelow. Fig. 141 and 142. Adjust as follows: Loosen nut"A" and "B" slightly so the starter motor can just bemoved by hand. Move starter motor away from engineas far as possible. Rock engine pulley back and forthand at the same time, slowly slide the starter motortoward engine until the starter motor pulley stops beingdriven by the vee belt. Move starter motor another 1/16"(1.6 mm) toward the engine. Tighten nuts "A" and "B."44
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