TM 9-2350-238-34-22-20. MAINTENANCE OF WINCH LEVEL WIND AND CONNECTING LINK SLIDE(CONT).REASSEMBLY (CONT)11 Install remote control lever (26), sleeve16 Install rigid connecting link (38) andspacer (27), helical spring (28), andthrust washer bearing (29) to shaft ofcable guide (19).12 Install flat washer (30) and new self-Iocking nut {31) to shaft of cable guide(19).13 Install quick release pin (32), chainassemblv (33), new Iockwasher (34),secure with quick release pin (32) tolevel wind housing (2).17 Install hub slide clamp (39), hexagonhead capscrew (40), new Iockwasher(41), and nut (42) to level wind housing(2).18 If removed, install three instructiondates (43) to level wind access coverand machine screw (35) to cross weld-(44) with 12 new drive screws (45); fourment bar (36).drive screws in each plate.14 If removed, install two sleeve bearings19 Install level wind access cover (44),(37) to cross weldment bar (36).three flat washers (46), and threemachine bolts (47).15 Apply a thin coat of grease (item 9, appxB) to the bearing surfaces of the rigidconnecting link (38).2-26
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