SECTION V: TROUBLESHOOTINGTM 9-2350-256-20WARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags,bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts a metalsurface a direct short may result in instantheating of tools, damage to equipment,and injury or death to personnel.CReconnect wire 27A to engine oil pressure gage.Disconnect wire 36 from engine oil pressure gage. TurnMASTER switch on and check engine oil pressuregage for operation. Engine oil pressure gage shouldread "0." Ground case of engine oil pressure gage andcheck gage for operation. Gage should read full scale.Turn MASTER switch OFF. If engine oil pressure gagereads correctly, go to step D. If engine oil pressuregage fails to read correctly, replace engine oil pressuregage (see paragraph 6-8).DDisconnect gage panel to bulkhead wiring harnessfrom gage panel. Check wire 36 in gage panel harnessfor continuity by placing red lead of multimeter on wire36 and black lead on pin D. If continuity is present, goto step E. If continuity is not present, repair/replacewire 36 of gage panel wiring harness (see paragraph644).EReconnect wire 36 to engine oil pressure gage andgage panel to bulkhead wiring harness to gage panel.Install ground strap (5), two lockwashers (4), twoscrews (3), gage panel (6), three lockwashers (2), andthree screws (1) to mounting brackets. Open air inletdoors (TM 9-2350-256-10). Disconnect bulkhead toengine bracket and rear fuel tank wiring harness frombulkhead disconnect. Place red lead of multimeter insocket L of wire 36 and black lead to ground. TurnMASTER switch or and check for voltage. TurnMASTER switch OFF. If voltage is present, go to stepF. If voltage is not present, repair/replace wire 36 ofgage panel to bulkhead wiring harness (see paragraph6-45 for dual voltage; 6-46 for single voltage).2-107
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