SECTION V: TROUBLESHOOTING TM 9-2350-256-20WARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags,bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts a metal surfacea direct short may result in instant heating oftools, damage to equipment, and injury or deathto personnel.BReconnect switch panel to gage panel andmiscellaneous switches wiring harness. Disconnectswitch panel, radio, and bilge pump to bulkhead wiringharness. Place red lead on pin A and black lead toground and check for voltage. If voltage is presentrepair/replace switch panel, radio, and bilge pump tobulkhead wiring harness. If voltage is not present,troubleshoot master relay circuit (see paragraph 2-19,master relay fails to operate).CReconnect switch panel to gage panel andmiscellaneous switches wiring harness. Disconnectwire 25/27 from 15 A circuit breaker. Place red lead ofmultimeter on terminal of 15 A circuit breaker andblack lead to ground. Turn MASTER switch on andcheck for voltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF. Ifvoltage is present, go to step E. If voltage is notpresent, go to step D.DReconnect wire 25/27 to 15 A circuit breaker.Disconnect wire 10 from 15 A circuit breaker. Placered lead of multimeter in wire 10 and black lead toground. Turn MASTER switch on and check forvoltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF. If voltage ispresent, replace circuit breaker (see paragraph 6-10).If voltage is not present, repair/replace wire 10 of mainlighting and B.O. selector switch wiring harness (seeparagraph 6-69).2-111
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