CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTM 9-2350-256-202-19 ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING-ContinuedB.O. DRIVE CONDITION-ContinuedWARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dogtags, bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts ametal surface a direct short may result ininstant heating of tools, damage toequipment, and injury or death topersonnel.ERemove three screws (3), three lockwashers (4),ground lead (5), flat washer (6), and release mainswitch panel (7) from mounting bracket. Reconnectwire 19 of headlight and dimmer switch panel togage panel and miscellaneous switches wiringharness. Disconnect wire 19 from B.O. SELECTORswitch. Place red lead of multimeter on terminal ofswitch and black lead to ground. Turn MASTERswitch on, UNLOCK and move main lighting switchto B.O. DRIVE position, and B.O. SELECTORswitch to B.O. position, and check for voltage. TurnMASTER, main lighting, and B.O. SELECTORswitches OFF. If voltage is present, repair/replacewire 19 of main lighting and B.O. selector switchwiring harness (see paragraph 6-69). If voltage isnot present, go to step F.FReconnect wire 19 to B.O. SELECTOR switch.Disconnect wire 520 from B.O. SELECTOR switch.Place red lead of multimeter in wire 520 and blacklead to ground. Turn MASTER switch on, UNLOCKand move main lighting switch to B.O. DRIVEposition, and check for voltage. Turn MASTER andmain lighting switches OFF. If voltage is present,replace switch (see paragraph 6-10). If voltage is notpresent, go to step G.2—316
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