TM 9--2350--292--20--10068 00--3ALL SIGNALS AT CABLE ASSEMBLY 4W504 CONNECTOR J1 ARE BELOWVALID RANGE OR OPEN -- CONTINUED0068 00CONTINUED FROM STEP B1. Disconnect wiring harness 4W504 from remoteterminal unit, boom shutoff valve, hoist winchand wiring harness 2W505 (WP 0680 00).2. Check wiring harness 4W504 using tablebelow. Place one multimeter lead on a pin inthe FROM column and the other lead on thecorresponding pin in the TO column. Check forcontinuity.FROM TOCONNECTOR/PINCONNECTOR/PINP1--D P2--1P1--E P2--2P1--F P2--3P1--Backshell P2--BackshellP1--G P3--1P1--H P3--2P1--J P3--3P1--Backshell P3--BackshellP1--K P4--1P1--L P4--2P1--M P4--3P1--Backshell P4--BackshellP1--P J1--PP1--R J1--RP1--S J1--SP1--Z J1--TP1--T J1--UP1--U J1--VP1--V J1--WP1--Z J1--XP1--W J1--YP1--X J1--ZP1--Y J1--aP1--Z J1--bP1--a J1--cP1--b J1--dP1--c J1--eP1--j J1--fP1--d J1--gP1--e J1--hP1--f J1--iP1--j J1--jP1--g J1--kP1--h J1--mP1--i J1--nCCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
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