CHAPTER 9: MAINTENANCE OF HULL- AND CAB-RELATED COMPONENTS TM 9-2350-256-209-72 REPLACE/REPAIR STEERING CONTROLS AND LINKAGES-Continued26 If necessary, remove nut (80) and bearing (81) fromeach end of connecting links (9, 17, 39, 51, 58, 59, and60).27 If necessary, remove two nuts (82) and two clevisassemblies (83) from tube assembly (42).28 Remove mounting bracket (65) by removing threescrews (84), three lockwashers (85), and flat washer(86).b. DISASSEMBLYRemove two seals (87) and two bearings (88) from each oftwo bell cranks (89).c. ASSEMBLYInstall two new seals (87) and two new bearings (88) toeach of two bell cranks (89).9-150
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