CRANKSHAFTS & CAM GEARSInstallingINSTALL CRANKSHAFT AND CAM GEARAluminum Alloy Engines - Plain BearingIn aluminum alloy models the tappets are inserted first,the crankshaft next, and then the cam gear. Wheninserting the cam gear, turn the crankshaft and cam gearso that the timing marks on the gears align. Fig. 14.NOTE: Model series 94000, 171700, 191700, 251700,and 252700 have a removable timing gear. Wheninstalling timing gear, have inner chamfer towardcrankpin. This assures that timing mark will be visible.Fig. 14. Aligning Timing MarksAluminum Alloy Engines Ball BearingOn crankshafts with ball bearings, the gear teeth are notvisible for alignment of the timing marks, therefore, thetiming mark is on the counterweight. Fig. 15. On ballbearing equipped models the tappets are installed first.The crankshaft and cam gear must be inserted together;align timing marks as shown in Fig. 15, and insertcrankshaft and cam gear.Fig. 15. Ball Bearing EnginesCRANKCASE COVER andCRANKSHAFT END PLAYAll ModelsThe crankshaft end play on all models, plain and ballbearing, should be .002" (.05 mm) to .008" (.20 mm).The method of obtaining the correct end play varies,however, between cast iron, aluminum, plain and ballbearing models. New gasket sets include threecrankcase cover or bearing support gaskets -- .005" (.13mm), .009" (.23 mm) and .015" (.38 mm).Aluminum Engines Plain BearingThe end play should be .002" (.05 mm) to .008" (.20 mm)with one .015" (.38 mm) gasket in place. If the end playis less than .002" (.05 mm), which would be the case if anew crankcase or sump cover is used, additionalgaskets of .005" (.13 mm), .009" (.23 mm) or .015" (.38mm) may be added in various combinations to attain theproper end play.If the end play is more than .008" (.20 mm) with one.015" (.38 mm) gasket in place, a thrust washer isavailable and to be placed on the crankshaft power take-off end, between the gear and crankcase cover or sump.Additional gaskets .005" (.13 mm) or .009" (.23 mm) willthen have to be added to the .015" (.38 mm) gasket forproper end play. NOTE: On aluminum models neveruse less than .015" (.38 mm) gasket. Fig. 16.Fig. 16. Correcting Crankshaft End Play6
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