CRANKSHAFTS & CAM GEARSAuxiliary Drive with ClutchFig. 32. - Check Cam GearCAM GEAR DISASSEMBLY -EARLY DESIGNRemove "E" ring retainer. Slide off copper washer, thickthrust washer, worm and thin thrust washer. Cam gear,oil slinger, clutch sleeve and springs are serviced with acurrent production assembly.INSPECT PARTSInspect for worn, burred or broken parts and replace asrequired.ASSEMBLE CAM GEAR -EARLY DESIGNSlide worm gear with thin thrust washer on cam gear.Slide on thick thrust washer. Slide on copper coloredwasher with gray coated side toward thick thrust washer.Install "E" ring retainer and check worm end play asdescribed in "Check Cam Gear" section above. Inspectcam gear assembly as outlined in "Inspect ClutchOperation" section above.DISASSEMBLY CAM GEAR -CURRENT DESIGNRemove "E" ring. Slide off thrust washers and wormgear. Use thin blade screwdriver or similar tool to prylower clutch spring tab out of hole in clutch sleeve, Fig.33. Remove clutch sleeve. Slide clutch spring down,Fig. 34 and lift out upper spring tab to remove spring.Cam gear, oil slinger and clutch drive hub are servicedas an assembly.Fig. 33. - Remove Clutch SleeveFig. 34. - Remove Clutch SpringINSPECT PARTSInspect for worn, broken or burred parts. Replace asrequired.ASSEMBLE CAM GEAR - CURRENT DESIGNAssemble clutch spring as shown in Fig. 35. Align Ehole in clutch sleeve with tab or spring and slide on.Depress spring tab,’ if required. When clutch sleeve is inplace, spring tab should be in sleeve hole, Fig. 36.Fig. 35. - Assemble Clutch Spring11
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