TM 5-4240-501-14PCRANKSHAFTS & CAM GEARSAuxiliary Drive with ClutchFig. 36. - Install Clutch SleeveSlide thin thrust washer and worm on cam gear. Slide inthick thrust washer. Slide on copper washer with graycoated side toward thrust washer. Install "E" ring andcheck worm gear end play as described in "Check CamGear" section, page 10.Inspect cam gear assembly as outlined in "Inspect ClutchOperation" section, page 10.REMOVE CONTROL LEVER SHAFTRemove "E" ring, Fig. 37. Slide control lever and shaftout slowly until lever clears boss on sump. Slowlyrelease spring tension and then remove shaft, spring and"O" ring seal.Inspect shaft assembly for loose lever, worn or brokenparts. Replace as needed.Fig. 37. - Remove "E" RingASSEMBLE CONTROL LEVER ANDSHAFT ASSEMBLYInstall return spring on shaft and lever assembly asshown in Fig. 38. Then install "O" ring seal on shaft.Lubricate "O" ring and shaft lightly with engine oil.Fig. 38. - Assemble SpringSlide control lever assembly into shaft bore, Fig. 39, asfar as it will go. Rotate lever clockwise to put tension onreturn spring. When lever clears stop boss, push leverand spring in until lever stops. Install "E" ring. Leg ofspring may need to be pushed against sump, Fig. 40.Lever Installation Spring InstallationCYLINDER CLIP WASHERShould clip washer in cylinder require replacing, be sureflat on clip washer is in line with flat on cam bearing bossand spring tabs are on both sides of cam bearing web,Fig. 41.Fig. 41.—Cylinder Clip Washer12Fig. 39.Fig. 40.
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