CRANKSHAFTS & CAM GEARSAuxiliary Drive with ClutchFig. 28. Auxiliary P.T.O.When installing cover, Fig. 29, put non-hardening sealanton cover screws.Fig. 29. Installing CoverAUXILIARY P.T.O. -- With Clutch –Model Series 110980This auxiliary power take-off shaft is perpendicular to thecrankshaft. It rotates at the rate of one revolution forevery 8-1/2 revolutions of the crankshaft. Rotation of theshaft is controlled by a clutch on the cam gear. Theclutch is engaged or disengaged by a control levermounted on the oil sump.Early production cam gears, Fig. 30, are serviced as anassembly consisting of cam gear oil slinger, clutch hub,clutch spring and clutch sleeve assembly. Laterproduction cam gears are serviced as individual partsexcept for the cam gear which consists of cam gear, oilslinger and clutch hub.Fig. 30. Cam Gear and ClutchTo remove sump: Sump is held on by six screws. Fivescrews are exposed. The sixth screw is under theauxiliary drive cover, Fig. 28. Remove cover and lift outshaft stop, Fig. 28. Slide driveshaft and gear over toexpose head of cap screw. Cap screw can be removedwith 7/16" socket.INSPECT CLUTCH OPERATIONPush on spring tang, "A," Fig. 31, turning spring andclutch sleeve in a counterclockwise direction. Spring andsleeve should rotate approximately 1/8" turn. Worm gearshould not rotate in the same direction. With clutchreleased, worm gear should rotate freely in bothdirections.Fig. 31. Inspect ClutchCHECK CAM GEARCheck worm gear end play using feeler gauges at point"A," Fig. 32. End play should not be less than .004" (.10mm) or more than .017" (.43mm).10
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