CYLINDERSInspection & Resizing BoreSection 11CYLINDERS & BEARINGSINSPECTIONAll ModelsAlways inspect the cylinder after the engine has beendisassembled. Visual inspection will show if there areany cracks, stripped bolt holes, broken fins or if thecylinder wall is damaged. Use a telescoping gauge anddial indicator or inside micrometer to determine the sizeof the cylinder bore. Measure at right angles. See Fig.1. Table No. 1 lists the standard cylinder bore sizes.If the cylinder bore is more than .003" (.08 mm) oversize,or .0015" (.04 mm) out of round on cast iron cylinders, or.0025" (.06 mm) out of round on lightweight cylinders, itmust be resized.Fig. 1 - Check Cylinder BoreNOTE: Do not deglaze cylinder walls when installingpiston rings in aluminum cylinder engines.NOTE: Chrome ring sets are available for most models.See Bulletin #479 or Illustrated Parts List. They are usedto control oil consumption in bores worn to .005" (.13mm) over standard and do not require honing or glazebreaking the bore to seat.RESIZINGResize Cylinder Bore to Next OversizeAll ModelsALWAYS RESIZE TO EXACTLY .010" (.25 mm) or .020"(.51 mm), or .030" (.76 mm) OVER STANDARD SIZEAS SHOWN IN TABLE NO. 1. IF THIS IS DONEACCURATELY, THE STOCK OVERSIZE RINGS ANDPISTONS WILL FIT PERFECTLY AND PROPERCLEARANCES WILL BE MAINTAINED. Cylinders,either cast iron or aluminum, can be quickly resized witha good hone such as Briggs & Stratton part #19205 foraluminum cylinders or part #19211 for cast ironcylinders. Contact your Briggs & Stratton source ofsupply. Use the stones and lubrication recommended bythe hone manufacturers for the various engine models,to produce the correct cylinder wall finish.TABLE NO. 1BASIC ENGINE MODEL STANDARD BORE SIZEOR SERIES DIAMETERMAXMIN.ALUMINUM CYLINDER Milli-Milli-‘InchesMeterInchesMeterB, 60000 before2.3125 58.74 2.311558.71Ser #581006060000 after2.3750 60.332.374060.30Ser #58100308B, 80000 820002.3750 60.33 2.374060.3092000, 93000, 940002.5625 65.09 2.561565.061000002.5000 63.50 2.499063.471100002.7812 70.64 2.780270.621300002.5625 65.09 2.561565.061400002.7500 69.85 2.749069.82170000, 1900003.0000 76.20 2.999076.17220000, 2500003.4375 87.31 3.436587.29(Table No.1 - Cast Iron Cylinders continued on page 2.)JUNE 1981
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