CRANKSHAFTS & CAM GEARSAuxiliary DriveCam gear end play is checked in the same manner ascrankshaft end play.Cam shaft end play must be .002" (.05 mm) to .008" (.20mm). If end play is less than .002" (.05 mm), add serviceshims (#270516-.009" (.23 mm); #270517-.007" (.18mm); or #270518-.005" (.13 mm) to obtain proper endplay. If end play is more than .008" (.20 mm), useservice bearing assembly kit #299706, which includesabove shims to obtain proper end play.Use chalk or crayon to mark the top of crankshaft geartooth, whose inner end is directly in line with the notch ofthe timing mark. See Fig. 25.Fig. 25. Aligning Timing MarksAlign timing marks on crankshaft and cam gear, andinstall crankshaft. Install crankshaft carefully so crankpinis not damaged.Install power take-off and magneto side bearingsupports. Torque power take-off support screws to 185inch-pounds (2.2 mkp, 20.9 N•m). Torque magneto sidesupport screw to 85 inch-pounds (1.0 mkp, 9.6 N•m).See Fig. 26.Fig. 26. Installing Bearing SupportsSee Section 12 for timing of synchro-balance timinggears.CHECKING AND CORRECTINGCRANKSHAFT END PLAYCrankshaft end play tolerance is machined at the factoryand normally requires no adjustment, unless the bearingsupports or crankshaft is replaced.Crankshaft end play must be .002" (.05 mm) to .008" (.20mm). If end play is less than .002" (.05 mm), add serviceshims (#270513-.015" (.38 mm); #270514-.010" (.25mm); or #270515-.005" (.13 mm) to obtain proper endplay. If end play is more than .008" (.20 mm), useservice bearing support assembly kit #299705, whichincludes the above shims, to obtain proper end play.Auxiliary P.T.O. -- Model Series 92580,92980, 94580, 94980, 110980, 111980This auxiliary power take-off shaft is perpendicular to thecrankshaft. It rotates at the rate of one revolution forevery 81/2 revolutions of the crankshaft. On thesemodels, the cam gear, worm gear and oil slinger are aFactory assembly and are not available as separatepieces.See Fig. 27.Fig. 27. Remove and Install Sump ScrewNOTE: If rotation is counterclockwise, the thrust washeris placed next to the worm gear on camshaft.To remove the sump: One of the six sump mountingscrews is located under the auxiliary drive cover.Remove the cover. Lift out shaft stop. See Fig. 28.Slide gear and shaft sideways to expose head of sumpmounting screw. Use 7/16" socket to remove screw.9
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