TM 5-4240-501-14PCYLINDERSPlain BearingFig. 6 - Checking BearingREPLACING PLAIN BEARINGSModels 9, 14, 19, 20 and 23 Series The crankcase coveror bearing support should be replaced if the bearing isworn or scored. Select the correct assembly partnumber by referring to the Parts List covering the engine.Refer to Table No. 3 for main bearing gauges.TABLE NO. 2CYLINDER BEARING REJECT SIZE CHARTBASIC ENGINE MODEL PTOBEARINGOR SERIES BEARINGMAGNETOMAXMIN.ALUMINUM CYLINDER Milli-Milli-‘InchesMeterInchesMeter6B, 8B*87822.3087822.3060000, 80000*87822.3087822.3082000, 92000*, 94000*87822.3087822.30110900*, 111900*87822.3087822.30100000.1300001.00325.4887822.30140000, 1700001.18530.101.004#5.50#1900001.18530.101.004#25.50#220000 HorizBallBallBallBall220000 Vert, 2500001.38335.131.38335.13ALUMINUM CYLINDER Milli-Milli-‘InchesMeterInchesMeter5, 6, 8, N878,22.3087822.30998825,0998825.09141.18530.101.18530.1019, 190000, 2000001.18530.101.18530.1023, 230000+1.38235.101.38235.10240000, 300000BallBallBallBall320000BallBallBallBall+Gear Reduction PTO—185" (30.10 mm)*Auxiliary drive models PTO Bearing Reject size 1.003"(25.48 mm)#Synchro-Balanced Magneto Bearing Reject size 1.185"(30.10 mm)REPLACING MAGNETO BEARINGAluminum Cylinder EnginesExcept 171700, 191700There is no removable bearing in these models; thecylinder must be reamed out so a replacement bushingcan be installed. Place pilot guide bushing in the sumpbearing, with flange of pilot guide bushing toward insideof sump.Assemble sump on cylinder. Be careful that pilot guidebushing does not fall out of place. Place reamer guidebushing into the oil seal recess in the cylinder. Thereamer guide bushing, along with the pilot guide bushing,will center the counterbore reamer with the oppositebearing even though old bearing might be badly worn.Place counterbore reamer on pilot and insert into cylinderuntil the tip of the pilot enters the pilot guide bushing inthe sump. Fig. 7.Fig. 7 - Counterbore ReamingTurn reamer clockwise with a steady even pressure untilit is completely through the bearing. Lubricate reamerwith kerosene or Stoddard Solvent.NOTE: Counterbore reaming may be undertaken withoutany lubricant. However, as aluminum material builds upon reamer flutes, eventual damage to the reamer andoversize counterbores will be experienced.Remove sump and pull reamer out without backing itthrough the bearing. Clean out reaming chips. Removereamer guide bushing from oil seal recess.Hold new bushing, with notch toward cylinder and in linewith notch on inside of cylinder, (Fig. 8, insert), againstreamed out bearing. Note position of split in bushing.At a point opposite to the split in the bushing, using achisel or screwdriver and hammer, make a notch in thereamed out cylinder bearing at a 450 angle. Fig. 8.
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