CYLINDERSPlain BearingFig. 9 - Pressing in New BushingFig. 10 - Shell ReamingMAGNETO BEARINGModel Series 171700, 191700Counterbore ream worn bearing using tools per TableNo. 3 and procedure for standard magneto bushing.Then place new bushing against reamed out bearing oninside of cylinder. with bushing notch against cylinderand in line with oil hole. Fig. 11. Note position of split inbearing. At a point opposite the split in bushing. use achisel or screwdriver and hammer to make a notch inthe. reamed out bearing at a 450 angle.Fig. 11 - Location of Oil HolePress in new bushing from outside cylinder, Fig. 12,using care to keep notch in line with oil hole, Fig. 11,with bushing driver and cylinder support until bushing isflush with inside edge of cylinder. Fig. 12. If bushingnotch and bushing oil hole are not aligned, press bushingthrough and reinstall.With a chisel or screwdriver, drive a portion of thebushing into the notch previously made in cylinder. SeeFig. 11. This is called staking and is done to prevent thebushing from turning.Fig. 12 - Pressing in New BushingFinish rearm bushing using same procedure for standardmagneto bushing. Clean out breaker point plunger holewith 19058 finish reamer. Clean out dirt and chips.6
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